Using Morgen as a team unlocks powerful scheduling and coordination that help teams spend less time booking meetings and more time in deep work.
In this guide, I'll show you how to create a team in Morgen, invite your colleagues, manage roles, and more.
Create a team in Morgen
To create your team, you first need to have a Morgen account. If you haven't yet signed up and downloaded Morgen, take 3 minutes to do so. You can follow the steps in this guide to getting started with Morgen.
Once in your Morgen desktop app, click on the team icon that will appear near the bottom of the left ribbon, just above your profile photo. This will open the team panel in Morgen.

You will be asked to provide a team name. This can be the name of your company or team. What matters is that it will make sense to everyone you invite.
From there, add the email addresses of all team members who you wish to invite. We will provide some suggestions to get started based on those who share the same domain as you and who you meet with most often. You can choose to keep these suggestions or remove them by simply clicking on the x to the right of each address or replacing the address there with someone else.

Click on +Add someone to open additional fields for more invitees.
You can then click on Invite your team. Morgen will then send invitations to each team member to join your team on Morgen. Until they accept the invitation, you will see invitees listed as pending.
If someone has not accepted your invite after a day or two, you can always resend the invitation. Simply click on ... to the right of their name then select Resend invitation. Alternatively, you can remove them from the team.

How to join a team
When your team members receive their invitation, they be directed to Morgen. If they accept their invitation, they be onboarded onto the tool and provided a link to download Morgen.
Currently, individuals can only be part of one team on Morgen. As a result, if your team member has already joined another team, they will be asked if they want to leave their current team in order to accept your invitation.
Because of this limitation, we recommend teams include all individuals who regularly meet. Depending on your company's configuration, this may mean having multiple levels of hierarchy on one Morgen team or combining a number of small cross-functional teams together.
Manage team roles
By default, as the person who created your team, you will be both Admin and Billing Owner. Everyone you invite will by default be a team Member.
These roles differ in that only:
- Admins can invite and remove team members, as well as delete the team or change the team plan
- Billing Owners can change your payment methods (they will also be our point of communication for any billing issues)
You can change team roles by clicking on the Manage button in the upper right of the team panel of your Morgen desktop app. This will bring you to the Morgen platform. Here you can provide more people with Admin privileges by editing their role to the right of their name. You can also revoke Admin privileges here and remove individuals from your team at any time.
Each team can only have one Billing Owner. You can transfer this role to someone else on the team.
Sharing availability across your team
Many of the benefits of using Morgen as a team rely on each team member making their availability visible to team members. To do so, team members will be asked to select their busy calendars.
If you want to include private appointments from your personal calendars, select these within your busy calendars. Your colleagues will only see when you are busy/free, and not the details of the events in your calendar.
We recommend you then pin those team members you meet with most to the left ribbon of your Morgen desktop app. This allows you to overlay their calendar with your own in just one click. You can learn more about shared availability across teams in this guide.
Using Morgen as a team
Your team will have a two week trial. Even if you already have a Morgen subscription, as soon as you create your team, you will all move into the trial. At the end of the trial, if you subscribe to a team plan, your personal subscription and billing will end. If you do not subscribe to a team plan, your regular subscription will resume.
Once your team is set up you can start testing all our team features, including multi-person scheduling links and consolidated availability.